Web Based Zero "0" Day Protection : Why you SHOULDN'T be tripping over to buy it!
Lately; web based zero "0" day protection seems to be offered more and more within the industry. It's almost as if companies (no names...

CyberLizard : One Click Hacking's Back!
Insinia recently came across a newly released Hacking / Pen Testing OS: Parrot OS 1.9 : CyberLizard This blog will go through this new...

UBER: Why they're "uber" IRresponsible with your data!
Insinia recently worked with LBC to put together a radio news piece discussing the Uber hack and why so many of Uber's user accounts are...

Being a CEH: What is an Ethical Hacker?
Recently; Insinia has appeared on a number of news and media outlets, including LBC and BBC News. One question we always get asked is...

Safe Cracking with nothing but your bare hands!
Insinia recently came across a shocking vulnerability in digital solenoid safes. We first tested this attack whilst carrying out a...

PASSWORDS: The Weakest Link in Online Security
Here at Insinia we're often asked: "What can I do right now to improve my security?" This guide's going to tell you how you can use and...

CyberCrime: Attack Prevention and Post-Exploitation Security
Recently; Insinia began investigating the TalkTalk hack involving what appears to be a number of teenage actors. At the time of writing...

Apple Exploit Solution(s)
Earlier, we were attacked with the Apple exploit, which uses this code to abbreviate the text in a banner or notification with an...